Designing liveable, inclusive and safe cities is key in the project goals for ReVeAL.
Within the measure field ‘Spatial Interventions’, various UVAR measures focus on the street as the scale where interventions can take place.
Herein, the s shows the daily inequilibrium between the wide range of city dwellers, who are all searching for space, rhythm and security in their own particular way.
Inspired by the work with pilot cities in ReVeAL, one of the partners at Ghent University has started collaborating in a newly founded organisation called STR.AAT.
Referring to straat, the Dutch word for street, and an acronym for ‘Stad en Ruimte – Alle Actoren Tezamen’ or ‘City and Space – All Actors Together’, the organisation is a critical do and think-tank for urban mobility, public space, cocreation and justice, specifically focusing on project on the level of the street.
More information can be found on the website (in Dutch).