ReVeAL Webinar: ReVeALing good practice in governance and financing of UVARs

ReVeAL event
June 22, 2021
From 4:00 pm
To 5:00 pm

On June 22, 2021, the ReVeAL project is organizing the webinar “ReVeALing good practice in governance and financing of UVARs”.

The ReVeAL project is looking at how cities can successfully regulate vehicle access in order to create more attractive places for people and business.

By joining the webinar, attendees will look at the factors to consider in the processes and financing of an UVAR, with examples from the ReVeAL cities of Vitoria Gasteiz and Jerusalem. Vitoria Gasteiz will describe how they incorporated their UVAR into the Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning process and the benefits this brought. Jerusalem will discuss how to raise awareness on LEZ scheme through communication techniques and campaigns.



Check the video below: