Gothenburg, Sweden
December 2, 2021 |
From 9:00 am |
To 11:15 am |
Following a record-breaking conference in 2020, in which POLIS Network welcomed more than 900 participants, the Annual POLIS Conference takes place on December 1 and 2, 2021, in Gothenburg, Sweden.
The POLIS Conference provides an opportunity for cities and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience of mobility experts, practitioners, and decision-makers. The Conference is organised in cooperation with the Urban Transport Administration of the City of Gothenburg, which currently holds the Presidency of POLIS.
This year, the ReVeAL project participates in the conference in session 4C. Innovations in Urban Vehicle Access Regulations, which is organised on December 2, 2021, from 9.00 to 11.15.
The session will be chaired by Per Solér, WSP Sweden, and will feature multiple presentations dedicated to our project, such as:
- Urban vehicle access regulations in the CIVITAS-ReVeAL project: A tool to help cities select and implement appropriate UVAR measures | Bonnie Fenton, Rupprecht Consult GmbH
- CIVITAS-ReVeAL: Building blocks for sustainable urban mobility transformations through scenario-building | Koos Fransen, Ghent University
- CIVITAS-ReVeAL: Brainport Smart District use case | Matthieu Graindorge, City of Helmond
Registrations are now closed, but for those who have been following ReVeAL and are participating in the POLIS Conference 2021 or plan to follow the hashtag #POLIS21, there will be surprises!