The UVAR Box Tool is now available!

The UVAR Box Tool is now available – and we could not be any happier!

The tool makes it easier for cities, regions and ministries to digitise UVARs and enable them to be put into navigation tools. Available for free for all cities, it comes together with a video and manual to support its use.

Why this Tool matters

More and more navigation service providers are asking cities for data: this tool enables cities to give the data all at once and in a single format, rather than several times and in different formats. The UVAR Box Tool makes this process easy, with support for cities and regions from Country Coaches.

Moreover, one can only assume that if the Urban Vehicle Access Regulation is integrated in the navigation tools that drivers use, there will be higher compliance rates and fewer complaints.

Where to find it

Head out to the UVAR Box Tool dedicated page available at

This information page allows cities to access all information about the UVAR Box digitisation tool, as well as the user manual and jointed step-by-step video that explains the main features of the Tool.

How To Access The Tool?

UVAR Box is currently creating an efficient structure for the account creation.

  1. Email Cesar Neves and Sonia Soares to create an account by clicking CREATE ACCOUNT
  2. Once your account is confirmed, click on ACCESS THE TOOL HERE
  3. Access the manual by clicking HERE.

But… How does it work?

Anyone can submit the UVAR data through the tool, but only three different types of data can be submitted:

  • Fully digitised UVAR data
  • Manually create UVAR
  • Manually added UVAR through the map feature