A successful ReVeAL session at the CiViTAS Forum 2019

Some of the concepts behind the ReVeAL project were brought into a session at CiViTAS Forum. The session, called “Making the Transitioning to Urban Vehicle Access Regulations”, was moderated by Bonnie Fenton from Partner Rupprecht Consult.

With an eye to the ReVeAL “Cross-cutting Themes”, expert presentations addressed zero-emission zones and congestion charging and examples were presented from London, with its new zero-emission zone and Oslo, with its congestion charging. The political, technical and societal challenges faced in introducing such “stick” measures was addressed by the panellists and further discussed in a lively question and answer session after the presentations.

In depth

The session started with an introduction to UVARs and the ReVeAL project by Bonnie Fenton. Catherine Westoby from Transport for London followed with a presentation on ‘Improving Air Quality’ in London, while Dirk van Amelsfort from WSP Sweden outlined the practice of congestion charging bringing the examples of London, Oslo, Stockholm and Milan. Heimo Haub from EFKON gmbh then explained road tolling in Norway, leaving the floor to Lucy Sadler, ReVeAL Partner from Sadler Consultants, closing the session with a presentation on Zero Emission Zones.


All presentations:

“Making the Transitioning to Urban Vehicle Access Regulations” by Bonnie Fenton

“Improving Air Quality in London” by Catherine Westoby 

“Congestion charging” by Dirk van Amelsfort 

“Road tolling in Norway” by Heimo Haub 

“Zero Emission Zones” by Lucy Sadler