There are three main mechanisms to implement an UVAR and we have named them “Measure Fields”.
Within these Measure Fields, the different aspects are further split into Building Blocks as outlined below:
Traffic filter:
Reallocating parking space:
Reallocating road space for pedestrians:
Reallocating road space for cycling:
Reallocating road space for public transport:
Road charges/tolls:
Parking charge:
Regulation by emissions:
Regulation by vehicle type and dimensions:
Regulation by trip purpose:
Regulation by permit:
There are also aspects that are common to all UVARs. ReVeAL has grouped them into four topics, named “Cross-cutting Themes“: Supportive Mobility Measures, User Needs and Public Acceptance, Governance and Financing and Ensuring Compliance. More details on these cross-cutting themes can be also found in our Guidance page.