ReVeAL Webinar: Ensuring Compliance

ReVeAL event
June 8, 2021
From 4:00 pm
To 5:00 pm

On June 8, 2021, the ReVeAL project is organizing the webinar “Ensuring Compliance”.

The ReVeAL project is looking at how cities can successfully regulate vehicle access in order to create more attractive places for people and business.

By joining the webinar, attendees will look at different UVAR systems and technology options, as well as the factors involved in selecting fitting options, with examples from the ReVeAL cities of London and Helmond. In particular, London has used different enforcement options for their various UVARs, thus deciding which technology would be most appropriate; on the other hand, Helmond has been reducing speed on its roads using Intelligent Speed Adaptation.


To download the Q/A, click here.

Check the video below: