Governance is defined by the OECD as “the exercise of political, economic and administrative authority necessary to manage a nation’s affairs” (OECD Glossary of statistical terms). The definition can be broadened for the purpose of ReVeAL and translated at the European and international level and not to be limited at the national level. Questions linked to the concept of governance are: Who has a voice in the decision process? How are the decisions made? And who is being accountable once a decision has been made? (Institute of Governance, Defining Governance).
Another key notion to present is the notion of good governance, which can be characterised by “participation, transparency, accountability rule of law, effectiveness, equity etc.” (OECD Glossary of statistical terms).
Within the ReVeAL context, good governance implies transparent procedures for project management, procurement, financial management and allocation of revenues at the local level. It many cases, policy and operational coordination between different levels of government affected by the UVAR is needed. At best, effective governance translates into professional project management of the UVAR scheme, with long-term accompanying measures institutionally anchored by means of a specific agency or through the establishment of public-private partnerships.
Key topics:
- Legal frameworks
- Institutional setting and organisational arrangements
- Local policy frameworks
- Political context
- Integration and interaction of transition areas
- ‘Policy entrepreneurship’