Access regulations re-start post-lockdown
Regulations in cities like London, Gent, Barcelona, Antwerp and Milan are starting up again: what does this mean for drivers and citizens?...
Brand new Federalberghi Report on Italian Limited Traffic Zones
With the assistance of ART&S, Federalberghi has analyzed the effectiveness of Limited Traffic Zones in Italian municipalities with high tourist intensity.
Remote sensing of vehicle emissions is happening in Flanders
The remote sensing campaign currently taking place in Flanders Region is part of a broader policy study led by Roel...
Rome implements automatic control of vehicle in city centre
Rome limited traffic zone is enforced by means of automatic number plate recognition and cameras, which are located on the...
Brussels to reduce number of commuting cars by 15%
The initiative is part of a series of awareness-raising campaigns that Brussels government wants to use to improve air quality...
Milan launches Area B, Italy’s largest Low-Emission Zone
In a bid to tackle air pollution and congestion, Milan has restricted access to the city for gasoline and diesel...
Baden-Württemberg: The LEZ of Stuttgart delivers good results
The old diesel vehicles are being replaced, less cars are being driven and the measurement of emissions in Stuttgart show...