UVARExchange kicks off!
UVARExchange, a new Project by the European Parliament, supports cities with foreign vehicle enforcement to reduce drivers need to register....
Spatial interventions in the “STR.AAT”
Inspired by the work with pilot cities in ReVeAL, one of the partners at Ghent University has started collaborating with...
Winter (and LEZ) is coming… in Piedmont!
Every winter, a special winter low emission zone comes into place in the Italian Region of Piemonte (Piedmont).
The Hague tightens its LEZ for mopeds
From December 1, 2020, drivers are no longer allowed to use mopeds and light mopeds from before 2010 anywhere in...
Download the presentations from our session at the POLIS Conference 2020!
ReVeAL Partner and ReVeAL Coordinator TRT and Rupprecht Consult lead a session on ‘Expanding the UVAR toolbox’ on December 3, from...
CIVITAS shows that cities dare to… push the boundaries of mobility
Read the CIVITAS e-publication dedicated to 7 bold actions in the field of sustainable mobility taken by 7 European cities...
Smart Move: A Breath of Fresh Air for Brussels
The introduction of Smart Move is part of Brussels’ SUMP award-winning sustainable urban mobility plan Good Move and it will...
Barcelona will supersize its Car-Free ‘Superblocks’
The ReVeAL Reference Group Member’s celebrated pedestrian-first zones are expanding to cover most of the city center, Mayor Ada Colau...
Amsterdam sets LEZ for diesel cars until February 2021
Since November 1, 2020, the Amsterdam's low emission zone affects diesel cars below the Euro 4 standard and not only...
Watch our session at the Urban Mobility Days 2020!
The ReVeAL project had the opportunity to particpate to the Urban Mobility Days 2020 by leading a session titled ‘UVARs,...